Government Agency Request Form Step 1, Please Enter All Information
This is an official request for verification of education/graduation or Copies of Enrollment Packets only. The information contained in this request should be considered private. Please complete all information in full and then finalize the order process by clicking 'Proceed to Check Out'. The information required on this page is necessary to verify and protect your school record from being accessed by unauthorized individuals.
PLEASE NOTE: A signed release by the student is required for a High School Transcript unless you are a post-secondary institution. Education verifications do not require a signed release. The signed release may be uploaded via the Order Tracker.
PLEASE NOTE: Government agencies are required to upload a copy of their credentials in order to request Copies of Enrollment Packets.
You will receive emails from scribOnline@scribsoft.com to notify you of the status of your order. It is important you read those emails carefully as additional information may be required to process your request. We may respond to this corporate request by the medium of our choosing (email, mail, or fax). You will be notified of the delivery mechanism by email. Status can be checked via the 'Order Tracker'.
Verification of education/graduation will be delivered electronically to the email provided. We will not verify over the phone or in an email.
ACCESSING THE ORDER TRACKER: Once the order has been submitted and payment received, you will be directed to a confirmation page which contains the link to the Order Tracker. You will also receive a link to the Order Tracker via email from scribonline@scribsoft.com. To access the Order Tracker, you will enter your email address, order number and password.